Maintaining the same energy and drive to improve our practice as communicators and elevate the role in the organizations we serve requires specific intention. Whether or not you were there in person, the positive momentum established at the June 2019 IABC World Conference in Vancouver can certainly fuel our effort and give us a boost. Becoming the communicators we were meant to be, however, means moving forward with purpose – being a catalyst.
What ever happened to the lost art of conversation? - IABC 2019 Day 2
Moving forward together - Understanding the Power of IABC
When do you flex your strategic muscles as a professional communicator?
When do you flex your strategic muscles as a professional communicator? While all of our work can be strategic, there’s a specific pivot point when we all make a decision about whether or not a request for our services requires further communication planning, specifically, the creation of a communication plan.
Seeing Is Believing: Icebergs and the life of the communicator
Just how much of your work is above the waterline? Not everyone will completely understand or appreciate all the tactical work that is seemingly invisible. But clients and leaders should understand the communication planning process. This is the above waterline stuff where you can shine and make a meaningful difference in the organizations you serve.
What I've Learned: You have to put your own oxygen mask on first
You have to put your own oxygen mask on first. My goal is to help as many communicators as possible. That’s why I created my online course, Communication Plan Blueprint. But that’s just one way. Another way to help is to connect with you directly and have a one-to-one conversation. These kinds of calls were exactly the kind of oxygen I needed earlier in my career. Perhaps I can help you. Let’s get the oxygen flowing.